1 Upload list of identifiers
2 Verify identifier matches
list List analysis
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Create a new list

Select the type of list to create and either enter in a list of identifiers or upload identifiers from a file. A search will be performed for all the identifiers in your list.

  • Separate identifiers by a comma, space, tab or new line.
  • Qualify any identifiers that contain whitespace with double quotes like so: "even skipped".

(click to see an example)

To cite PlanMine, please refer to the following publication:

Rozanski, A., Moon, H., Brandl, H., Martín-Durán, J. M., Grohme, M., Hüttner, K., Bartscherer, K., Henry, I., & Rink, J. C.
PlanMine 3.0—improvements to a mineable resource of flatworm biology and biodiversity
Nucleic Acids Research, gky1070. doi:10.1093/nar/gky1070 (2018)